Thursday, March 25, 2010

cabin : president's day weekend

The Nickle Clan + Friends went up to the cabin back in February for the holiday weekend. It was a glorious weekend getaway filled with lots of snowmobiling, movies, games, laughing, the wii, guitar hero, playing pool, hot tub, sleeping, hanging out, eating, enjoying the outdoors & the scenery, etc, etc. It was great!

The Attendees:

Melissa + friends Rachelle, Leslie, & Cory
Zander + roommate Jackson & his girlfriend
Braden + friend Jack

It was a BLAST!

We all took our turn in hot seat for the game "psychiatrist."
{this photo came up when I google searched for "psychiatrist." results not typical. actual game may have varied.}
Have you ever played the game? It's really fun. One person [the "psychiatrist"] leaves the room while the rest of the people [the "patients"] come up with some kind of "disorder" for the psychiatrist to figure out. The person who left the room then comes back in and asks any questions to anyone he wants, trying to figure out the disorder of the round. The patients answer the questions according to the disorder.

For example, if the disorder was to answer with the in a 1,2,3,4,5 sequence, the psychatrist could ask,

"What's your favorite type of pizza?"

Patient: Pepperoni

If the next question he asked was the same, the answer would have to be two words. For example, "Canadian Bacon"

Three words:
"Canadian Bacon Pineapple"

And so on and so forth until the Psychiatrist figures it out.

A few of the favorite disorders that I can remember were:
  • heaven and earth
  • winter, spring, summer, fall [sequential answers]
  • 2 word answer, 3 ", 5 "
  • can only answer with song lyrics
  • answers that don't make sense
  • we don't have a disorder / answer normally
  • disney characters
  • first word of answer begins with first letter of patient's name
  • look at your foot sometime during your response
  • answer like a child
Here are a couple of videos for your viewing pleasure. First, Rachelle getting stuck on the couch. I call her a mashed couch potato.

Untitled from Melissa Nickle on Vimeo.

Second, round two of Bryson's "funny face" series. Maybe next time he'll notice that I'm taking a video. Hopefully not!

funny face the sequel from Melissa Nickle on Vimeo.

I did get some photos too, though. This is what he thought I was doing:

Ah, the cabin. How we do have fun there:

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